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Prison Break

October 2006


The Rejects

Nuntius Pat – Elven Necromancer

Viscler – Half elf/Half demon

Dethgar - Dwarf

Granitefist Deathbringer - Gargoyle

Thorvik Halfborn – Priest of Insigneous

John Smith - assassin

Nikolai – Hobgoblin wizard/monk

Faoladh – Werewolf rogue


`The Rejects` are a group of odd ball monsters and criminals, all of whom escaped from a prison ship and made their way to the pirate isle of Blackmar.

In Blackmar they are hired for a job by Black Jacques, a fixer, who operates out of the Blue Parrot. 


Blue Parrot

A bar with no patrons, except for three dead men who are simple props.  The barman doesn’t charge for drinks or rooms as the only people who come in come to see his client.  It is purely a meeting place or a pleasant holding cell.

It also allows the true client to observe the prospective workers before meeting them.


Serintha, an Ardinian spell caster, wants his brother Kal Rith freed from the Silver Elm prison on the Alloth Atoll and his guards killed.


Kal Rith

Ardinian timber merchant.  Arrested for illegal logging in the Larrowmor.

 - Why wasn’t he executed?




Ardinian spell caster.

Familiar is a ginger tabby cat.  It can jump over 30’, AC: 20, Magic Attack or damage over 10. Can become ethereal.


Silver Elm Prison

West Coast of the Alloth Atoll

Maximum security prison



The Light Treader

An elven merchant cog, entirely magical – abjuration.

Captain Karosan is killed and his possessions stolen; maps, silver and magical chest.

Others of the crew are lightning bolted


Thieves’ Guild

Contact (mid-level):    Vessimar

Meeting Point:                        The Black Bear

Offer:                          Can take the Rejects to Alloth Atoll and back for 600 silver each.  They don’t know where the Silver Elm prison is.

Pessmor – ship’s navigator – man that Granite Fist killed


The White Lion: Captain Gellathoth

Drops the group at the Silver Elm prison – will return in two weeks.



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