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The continent of Hurssia is the setting for a multitude of games. 


Hurssia began life in 1996 and played continuously  until 2002, then on occasional weekends when we could all get together.  Originally a 2nd Edition AD&D game, it has now migrated to 3.5. 

The Landscape

The History

Hurssian Rulers, 1154-1166

The Landscape

The heart of Hurssia is a hostile place filled with hills, the bandit-ridden Kavil Forest and the desolate* Gon'Wrath Moor.

*excluding death-worshipping priests and black dragons

This land mass largely splits apart the easterly Kursaval, a fair and green country with gentle hills, from westerly Turse, an aggressive country with a troubled and war-filled history. Since the last war against Aragorn, Turse itself is split across the east and west.

North of Kursaval is the White Forest, a place of cold and ice overrun by wild creatures and barbarians. To the north-west, the Grusk Mountains prevent further exploration to any other than the dwarves inhabiting the area. Further to the west the Larrowmor Forest is home to the elves, while the peaceful Shire of the hobbits lies to the south-west. 

bounded on the East South and West by Sea. To the North-West lie the Grusk Mountains, and no-one, barring the dwarves, knows what lies beyond them. The southern part of the continent of Hurssia holds Ukrall, gateway to the wider world through its port cities. To reach the Ardinian Empire you must sail south west to Blakmar, a small island to the South West of the Ukrall. Hervaxiath, a rather pleasant place and popular training ground for necromancers, lies north west of Turse, across the ocean. The only land mass north of Turse is occupied by the Grunerak Marsh and tends to be avoided.

Map of (known) Hurssia

Known Hurssia

In The


Reunion Scheduled

Next game meeting is in June back at University of Kent.

Reaper's Harvest 23,  1164


Warning to magic users to curb their activities whilst in the Netherweald. Unexpected conditions mean this could be dangerous.
Longday 15, 1164

Goblin Rock Concert

King Larenthug held the first goblin rock concert in a new venue called The Cavern Club in Bladderpool. Most acts were largely rock based percussion but the group to watch are called The Beetles.
Oaksborn 12, 1164​

The Landscape

The History

For ease, the history of Hurssia is split into four main sections:

  • Ancient History

  • History of Hurssia, 500-1153

  • History of Hurssia, 1154-1160

             1154-55   1156     1157-58   1159-1160   

  • History of Hurssia, 1161-1166


             The New Emperor   




             Larrowmor Forest & Grusk Mountains

             Shire & Shirewood

             The Guilds

The History

Ancient History

Back in the mists of time, Hurssia was ruled over by the dragons. The land was split into two areas, the mountains and the forests, and within the forests, the moors.

In the mountain ranges lived the dwarves, and their everlasting enemies, the goblinoids - the goblins, flins, ogres, kobolds, orcs, knolls and hobgoblins. The mountains were also home to many of the dragons. In the forests lived the elves, at one with their elven trees, and other faerie folk, as well as the hobbits. The gnomes lived in the forests, and on the moors.

Lucknar was the Emperor of the dragons, but he became imprisoned in a gem, called 'The Memory of the Mountain' which found its way eventually to the realms of Ravenloft, thousands of years later.

The peacefulness of Hurssia was broken when humans entered the land from overseas. With their coming, the elven forests were divided and diminished in size. Humans took the land for farming, though leaving the Grusk mountains alone in the main part.

In the third century, Lodos, god of the dragons, became a demigod. We do not know how this occurred, or if the humans caused it in any way. Loss of followers is, however, linked to loss of power.

Around the fifth century after the humans arrival, Hurssia had stabilised again. The elven forests had been reduced to two main areas - the Larromor Forest, ruled by King Ortar's family, and the Shirewood. A split occurred between the elves, and the Earl ruling the Shirewood aligned himself to Kursaval, a human nation.

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