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Attacking modifiers

3.5 Ed Combat Crib Sheet

Summary of Meanings and Effects


Skills (p.64):


















Surprise (p.137) :

- Characters make opposed Listen / Spot checks when encountering enemies.

- The first round may be the “Surprise Round” where anyone aware of the attack may have a Partial Action.

- Failing a required Listen / Spot check means the character cannot act in the Surprise Round and is ‘flat-footed’.


Initiative (p.136) : 

- Roll 1d20 & add Initiative bonus

- Before a character has had their first action they are “Flat-Footed” and cannot use their dexterity bonus for AC purposes.


Combat Rounds (p.138) :

- The time unit is about 6 seconds.


Actions within the Round (p.138 & p.141) :




















Attacking : -

Modifiers (p.151), Cover & Concealment modifiers (p.152.) 


Range Modifiers (p.114): -

Projectiles (such as bows) can shoot up to 10 range increments, thrown weapons 5.











Ranged Attacks into Melee (p.140):

- Standard rules state a –4 penalty to hit in order to avoid friends.  Precise Shot avoids this.

- Rule Modification : If the attacking character misses the target and doesn’t have Precise Shot then roll a dice to determine a hit one of the other PCs or NPCs in combat.  Roll a second attack roll to see if she hits the different target. The attacker still has –4 to-hit.


Charging (p.154) :

- Gain +2 to attack & -2 to AC.


Ganging Up (p.153) :

- Up to 8 characters can gang-up in an open area.

- Ganging up gives +2 flanking bonus to all involved.


Fighting Defensively (p.140) :

- Attacks are at -4, +2 to AC.

- Counts as a standard action.

- Stacks with Combat Expertise.


Total Defence (p.142) :

- Counts as an action and thus allows a move of up to the characters speed.

- Grants +4 to AC.


Healing (p.146) :

- Natural healing is one point per level per night of rest (8hrs) or two points per full 24 hours.

- Ability damage recovers at the rate of one point per night of rest or two points per full 24 hours.


Spell Casting (p.169) :

- Roll Arcane Spell Failure (p.122) & Overcasting if Necessary (D-2).

- Saving Throw (p.176), if applicable. The DC is : 10 + Spell Level + Casters Ability Mod (Int or Cha for Arcane, Wis for Divine)

- Spell Resistance (p.177), if applicable. Roll d20 + Caster Level. Result has to be higher than creature's rating.


Anchor 1
Skill difficulty
Surprise checks
Combat Rounds
Actions within the round
Range Modfiers
Ranged attacks into melee
Ganging up
Fihting Defensively
Total Defence

Critcal Hits & Fumbles

Critical hits are played out as per the standard rules with the following exception : when a character capitalises on a threat, it is another threat they roll again and so on. For each additional roll, add the dice plus modifiers to the damage. Thus a warrior using a longsword (1d8+1 damage) who rolls two 20’s in a row, followed by a capitalisiation, would roll 3d8+3 for his damage. Should the final roll miss, the previous roll is taken as the capitalisation. Thus in the above example, if two 20’s followed by a miss were to be rolled, then the damage would be 2d8+2. If a character fires a missile weapon into melee and misses their target then roll a random number to see if they hit another member of the combat. There is no need to re-roll the attack roll. Once another opponent is selected, check their armour class. If this should miss, re-roll for another target. If all targets miss, the missile has gone wild. Precise shot negates this. Critical fumbles. These are the reverse of critical hits. If the character rolls a natural 1 she has done something catastrophic. This can range from simply dropping a weapon, to hitting himself or a friendly target. When a 1 is rolled, roll a d6 to determine the result on the following table :


  1. Drop Weapon - requires one round to recover

  2. Hurl weapon across the battle field, room or somewhere else - requires 3d6 rounds to recover

  3. Drop weapon or strike it on nearest inanimate object - weapon is broken beyond use

  4. Hit self with weapon for normal damage - may continue fighting provided enough hits

  5. Hit nearest friend within range, if none hit self - see above

  6. As 5, except attack does maximum possible damage



Critical Hits & Fumbles
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